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Xuelong employees collect money and pass on the positive energy of society

Release Time:2020-06-30 14:24:31      Number of clicks:211

 Have you ever picked up money? If you have ever picked it up, have you pocketed it? Or try to get it back to its rightful owner? If not, what would you do if you now found a wallet containing some cash and bank cards? On the morning of June 30, Yang Min, an employee of Xuelong Company, wrote a positive solution to this question with her own actions, and also passed on the positive energy of our Xuelong people.

Below, let's share the story of the good Samaritan Yang Min.

Yang Min, lives in XiaoZhangjia village, North Yangzhai Township, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, is currently a pulp a workshop cooking section of the sort worker, she is 39 years old, although the head is not high, but in her body is filled with a kind of social and life of positive energy; In this era of "money", she uses the deeds of "treasure" to inspire others and baptize herself. She is the "living Lei Feng" of Snow Dragon Company.

Found a black wallet at the front of the office

At 6:40 am on June 30, Yang Min rode an electric bike from home to the factory to work, stored the car in the shed, and prepared to go to the security room to punch in. As she was walking near the company gate, she suddenly found a black money clip under an elm tree on the roadside. At this point, she immediately realized: someone had lost their wallet. When she opened the wallet, there were two bank cards and some cash. When she found on the back of a bank card "Qin week" three words. She felt a light in front of her eyes, remembering that the company used to have an employee named "Qin week", could it be that he lost it? If not afraid of delay to work, she wanted to personally find him, there is no way, the company regulations at 7:00 to take over, she quickly finished the card, hurry to their own work; When she arrived at the workshop, she found the monitor Xiao Jun for the first time and told him about finding the wallet, hoping the monitor would help her find the owner ---- Qin Zhou.

Have the squad leader work with her to help find the owner

Xiao Jun learned of this situation, then to the Ministry of Business and management asked how to deal with, the deputy manager of the department of Business and management Zhao Binghui, told him to call the education department, let the education department print a claim notice posted on it. But he still did not miss any opportunity, so he went to the dispatch room to ask others, the company has called "Qin week" employees, the other staff in the dispatch room also can not figure out whether the company has "Qin week" this person. After the author received Xiao Jun's phone call, he quickly went to the workshop where Yang Min was located and found her and Xiao Jun. At this time, Yang Min told the author that the owner may be a pulp workshop staff, let the author with a wallet to help her find the owner. With the joint efforts of everyone, the author found the owner in the second workshop. The owner Qin Zhou was very moved by Yang Min's kindness. Qin told the author that when he took the time card near the company's gate in the morning, he accidentally lost the money jacket, and when he was very anxious, the wallet was found, he was very happy, and immediately decided to buy a gift to thank Yang Min.

"Keep it quiet. Anyone would do the same."

The next day after Yang Min returned the wallet to the original owner, the author once again went into the workshop where she was interviewed. She was shy and did not want to be photographed. When the author asked her what scruples or other thoughts she had after finding the wallet, she told the author that her first thought was to quickly find the owner and send the wallet to the owner's hand as soon as possible. When the author said that she wanted to promote and praise her behavior of recovering money, she refused, she said: "Don't publicize, for anyone would do it." Apparently, she didn't think much of it at all.

For Yang Min's evaluation, Liu Wanqin, the sorting leader, said to the author: "Yang Min is very responsible for her work and usually performs well"; Xiao Jun, the monitor, said of her: "She never arrives late for work and leaves early. In my opinion, although this matter is small, its spirit of recovering money is worth learning from."

For the author's second interview and everyone's praise for her, Yang Min appears very indifferent. "I always thought it was such a small thing that there was no need to publicize it. If you pick up something that does not belong to you, you should not take it. Other people would do the same." However, the author believes that Yang Min's recovery is not a major event in the company, but it shows the excellent personal quality of our snow dragon people, and has won a good reputation for the company. In other words, her kind act is also a noble moral act, and it also transmits a positive energy of society and the positive energy of Xuelong Company.


Yang Min, an employee who has not recovered money

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