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The company carries out the Spring Festival to send warm activities

Release Time:2021-01-30 11:46:08      Number of clicks:271

On the eve of the Spring Festival, visiting employees in difficulties is the company's tradition over the years, and the activity has been well received by all walks of life. On January 30, Tao, Shang, Zhang and Ma led a team to visit some of the company's difficult employees.

On the same day, Tao took the trouble to drive hundreds of miles to the First People's Hospital of Bengbu City and the Provincial Cancer Hospital to visit Sun Jianmin and Xie Min who were hospitalized. Sun Jianmin due to stroke caused hemiplegia, bedridden can not get up. Tao always personally came to the hospital bed, holding Sun Jianmin's hand, told him to insist on treatment, to have the courage to recover. In the provincial cancer hospital, Tao asked Xie Min in detail about the current development of the disease, put forward suggestions for treatment, and asked her to have the confidence to cure.

General Shang, General Zhang, General Ma on behalf of the company respectively visited Huang Xing, Min Hongyan, Chen Jitian, Li Hui, Chen Long, Hu Yongguang and others.

This year, the company focused on visiting the families of 19 difficult employees, each family sent 500-5000 yuan of condolence, rice, cooking oil and fish, each place, the company leaders have a detailed understanding of the family situation of difficult employees, and encourage them to build confidence to overcome the suffering. The employees and their families who received the condolences were very moved. It is reported that this year, the company issued a total of 35,500 yuan of condolences, rice, cooking oil and fish worth more than 4,000 yuan.


Tao total visit Sun Jianmin


General Manager Shang visits Huang Xing (the picture shows Huang Xing's family receiving condolence money)


Mr. Zhang visits Li Hui


Ma for Hu Shumin issued condolence money

Next:The company organized employees to visit Yuntai Mountain again

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