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The company's pulp and paper advanced training course was successfully concluded

Release Time:2014-11-14 14:17:41      Number of clicks:191

The company's pulp and paper advanced training course was successfully concluded

President Tao attended the ceremony and delivered an important speech


(Mr. Tao delivered an important speech at the graduation ceremony)

114 At the graduation ceremony, the company's general manager Zhang read out the list of graduates; President Nanlin Dazhang and Director Zhang Yisheng presented the completion certificate on behalf of the college; In addition, in order to encourage the company's employees to learn technology and improve their quality, Mr. Zhang also read out an important speech at the 32121000800800500 ceremony. He spoke highly of the training. He pointed out that the training is rich in content and practical, and has three main characteristics: First, the training content reflects the requirements of timeliness, necessity and guidance; The second is to focus on improving the core competitiveness, providing reference and guidance for the long-term development; The third is to focus on how to improve the overall quality of cadres, how to make up for the lack of management expertise and management experience and improve the quality of training.

At the graduation ceremony, the honorary certificate was issued by President Tao; Liu Shuai, the representative of the training class, also delivered a speech, which attracted bursts of applause from time to time.

Students attended the completion ceremony. Through this training, students fully grasp the theory and practice of pulp and paper making professional knowledge; Thus further enrich the theoretical knowledge of production, technology and research and development work, enhance the quality and ability of students, and lay a solid foundation for doing their own work in the future.

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