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The company's 2016 annual care for employee health special activities officially launched

Release Time:2016-07-29 11:41:20      Number of clicks:178


Employees are the valuable wealth of the enterprise, is a strong guarantee for the development and growth of the enterprise, in order to help employees understand their own health status, improve self-health awareness, to ensure that employees with a healthy body, full of spirit to better complete the work, recently, my company officially launched the 2016 annual care for employee health special activities.

At the beginning of this year, Tao made important instructions in his speech, requiring that employee health be taken as a major event this year. The company set up a special activities leading group, in accordance with the requirements of "accurate and effective", formulated the "care for employee health special activities implementation plan". According to the plan, the special activities include the arrangement of staff physical check-ups, key preventive examinations for key personnel, the establishment of staff health files and other key contents.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of physical examination, since July 26, the company has conducted a general physical index examination in three batches of three days in combination with the actual work conditions of employees. General test items include height, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, liver function and so on. For the physical examination, the staff's participation is enthusiastic. Less than 7 o 'clock in the morning every day, there are many employees in a long line at the medical examination, waiting for the examination of the medical staff. During the inspection process, every employee consciously queued up and the scene was in good order.

Through the inquiry and investigation, the company's employees are more satisfied with the physical examination arrangement, they said, "Through this physical examination, I have a bottom in my heart for my physical health this year, and I know what to pay attention to in the future days", "in this hot summer, thank Tao and company leaders for sending us such a comfortable gift, thank them for their care and love." "

As of July 28, except for a few personnel who postponed the physical examination date due to special circumstances, other employees have successfully completed the general examination. In the next step, the company will focus on preventive examinations for the "three high groups" (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia) and potential patients with sudden diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases that are easy to form. The expenses of key review items shall be borne by the company and individuals at 50% each.

It is understood that the company has established a health status file for each employee, the results of the physical examination will be entered into the file, one person, scientific management, and the physical indicators as the reference data when the employee review, for the bad indicators control better employees, will be rewarded. Starting from the fourth quarter, the company will hire hospital experts in stages to carry out health knowledge lectures or diagnosis and treatment consulting services. Employees can consult the company's medical office or make an appointment to register according to their personal circumstances.

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