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Xuelong company internal open recruitment section chief

Release Time:2020-05-27 14:27:12      Number of clicks:225

On the morning of May 27, the company held the section chief recruitment exam in the 2# conference room, and 8 monitors from the first and second workshops of pulp competed for the section chief position.

According to reports, this time to participate in the recruitment of the monitor has a workshop of white field, Hu Jinbao, Fan Xinfeng, Xu Yifei and the second workshop of Li Xue, Fang Jie, Wang Xinsong, Liu Shuai. The recruitment process is divided into five parts: registration, qualification examination, written test, interview and announcement of results. The applicant must be under 40 years old (inclusive); More than 3 years of continuous work in the company (more than 1 year as a monitor); At the same time, it is required that in the past year, the team has not occurred a class 1 or two class 2 and above responsibility accidents, and has a strong sense of responsibility, dare to grasp and manage the work, a solid style of work and the team management is more prominent. After the written test, the top five will enter the interview process. On June 4, the Human Resources Department announced the recruitment results, and Liu Shuai, the monitor of the bleaching section of the second workshop, was eventually hired by the company as the head of the rinsing section of the first workshop.

This recruitment, one is to expand the scope of selection and employment, to achieve the good in the best, the best in the strong; The second is to ensure that the human rights of enterprise candidates are carried out in the sunshine and improve the credibility of the candidates. Third, it can make the outstanding team members of the front line stand out, improve the quality and quality of human resources selection, and promote the healthy development of enterprises.


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